What’s More Dreadful Than Death In Life!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations Add comments
Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: over these the second death hath no power; … (v6a)

Kingdom in the Millennium

1. The First Resurrection — The Millennium is unveiled with the resurrection of the martyrs, taking them to reign with Christ for a thousand years. (v6)

2. The Second Death — Death in our body is not the ultimate death. All who are dead have to stand before the great white throne, recounting their life and be judged by their works. (v12)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 20


* Ruth CHEN/曾路得 a singing teacher, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. Before chemotherapy, an ultra sound scan uncovered cancer cells in the liver, calling for a PET scan (Positron emission tomography/正電子掃描) to determine condition of the spread. While waiting for the scan, she felt great agony at heart out of claustrophobia/幽閉恐懼症 meaning she could not stand being alone in the dark. Coupled with fear and frustration in how to deal with cancer in the breast and the liver, she could only come before God and admitted, “I really cannot deal with it!…” — to be continued


* … behold, thy king cometh unto thee; he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, even upon a colt the foal of an ass.” (Zechariah 9:9b)

Zechariah 9-11: This is the prophecy on the First Coming of the Messiah! The Jews were disappointed to hear that the salvation by righteousness is humble and hidden in the Son of Man.

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