The Preacher Who Wasted His Life!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven…(v.21)

Let the Kingdom Enter Our Lives!

1. The Soul’s Choice — The Kingdom that Jesus brought is not a cheap product; we must desire it and strive to enter.(v13)

2. The Calls of that Day — Some will call Jesus “Lord”, but did not lead the life that He wanted; on that day, the Lord will call them evil ones.(v23)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 7b (v15-29)


* Greet the new harvest with joy – this Saturday, at least 125 new brothers and sisters were baptized, with many moving personal testimonies! Warriors of Solomon, please keep guard, to let many safely exit Egypt! Additionally, we will be organizing the “New Life New Hope” 「新生命新希望」gospel meeting as usual, please pray for the souls in Hong Kong! For more details, please visit:

* Laying down the knife, staying behind – 28 years ago on Chinese New Year’s Eve, I was persecuted by my older brother because I wanted to attend the youth group. In a fit of anger, he held a knife to my neck. I prayed silently, “Oh Lord! My life is in your hands, if he really kills me, please take responsibility!” In the end, he angrily called our father, who immediately came home and beat me until I had bruises on my arm, and threatened to kick me out of the home. Because our father beat me much more severely, my brother could not bear to see this, and tried his best to stop him. He even helped me put on medication to soothe the bruises. I pleaded with him to let me go to be baptized the next day, but he did not allow. I was in despair…      Candy (HK). (to be continued tomorrow)


* There above it stood the Lord, and he said: “…I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying.(Genesis 28:13)

Genesis 27-28:This is God’s mercy on display: revealing Himself to those who did not seek Him, giving to those who did not pray, and guaranteeing his accompaniment to those who do not deserve it.

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