This Is The Law & The Prophets!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them… (v12a)

Surpassing The Highest of Laws

1. Be the One to Ask — Cease not in asking and seeking, knocking on the door! Know that behind the door we find all the good things that Abba Father is storing up for us! (v8)

2. Be the One to Give — It is Jesus’ golden rule to sympathize with Abba Father’s compassion and treat others kindly the way we want to be treated. (v12)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 7a (v1-14)


* Lord! Come Revive Me, I Pray!/主,求你來恢復我

What would be your new year wish! Did it ever cross your mind to ask the Lord to turn my universe upside down, turning it like turning the soil so that it breathes and refreshes!


* And Esau said, Behold, I am about to die. And what profit shall the birthright do to me? (Genesis 25:32)

Genesis 25-26: Esau was shortsighted and slighted the right of a first-born. He made an oath negligently, for the sake of satisfying needs of his flesh and simply walked away, feeling nothing was wrong with such act.

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