This Is My Father’s World!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (v34)

Look at the Birds, Think of the Flowers!

1. Classroom in the Wilderness — If God takes care of the sparrows and lilies, how would He ignore lives of His children’s on this earth? (v25)

2. Anxiety Management — There are 12 hours in a day, therefore, live in today and do not worry for tomorrow, for tomorrow is its own cycle. (v34)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 6b (v19-34)


* Good news:Dear everybody, thank God for He is the Lord of healing. During today’s check-up, the doctor said that my tumour has shrunk over a centimetre! Another chemotherapy shot is due on the 20th of January. Thank you for everybody’s prayers and concern! Peggy(葉美燕 /HK)

* …show kindness… [and] make me successful…and I bowed and worshipped the Lord…he bowed down to the ground before the Lord.(Genesis 24:12–52)

Genesis 24: When picking a wife for Isaac, the servant prayed thrice to the Lord to grant him success, and bowed to thank God for His guidance, as well as for his completion of his mission.

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