So They Say!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
Ye therefore shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (v48)

Sermon on the Mount

1. Perfect Father in Heaven — God treats the righteous and the unrighteous fairly in providing and forgiving – this is driven by the great might hidden in Him. (v45)

2. Perfect Children — Citizens of the Heavenly kingdom should be loving one and other, serving even their enemies through supplication – this is the strength in us over the non-believers. (v47)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 5b (v27-48)


* Sam KONG has completed his seventh shot in the chemotherapy. Great thanks to God for listening to prayers of fellow saints. The flu was fully healed on Saturday right before the treatment.  Praises to God of Mercy for His generous grace on our brother!


* And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the Plain, that God remembered Abraham, …. when he overthrew the cities in which Lot dwelt. (Genesis 19:29)

Genesis 19-20: God is still so merciful when judging the wicked. Only the righteous one can understand His compassion and stands at the breaking point to intercede for the salvation of his brother.

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