Be Victorious?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm

Towards maturity in 2 environments :
1. Growing in Peace (v.26-29) – Just sleep & rise in night and day – to let His life grows naturally in you!
2. Growing in Storm (v.35-41) – Your faith so small? Ask Him come to aid! Better to wake Him rather than trembling in pain! (though you may feel ashamed)

? Hen or egg first? — Dr. Daniel Wu ??? was once asked – which exist first: Hen or egg? He answered, “Neither. There should be a cock and a hen first.” He said the answer was in the Bible. God created male & female together …since there is a Creator . (153 students believed in Jesus in that lecture!)

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