How Blessed Are Sons of the Heavenly Kingdom!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope Add comments
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (v3)

Sermon on the Mount

1. Blessed are the Poor in Spirit s submission — A characteristic in the citizens of the Heavenly kingdom is that they know that they are poor, having nothing, hence they rely on God solely, taking God as their sole possession. (v3)

2. Blessed are the Persecuted — It is a big honor for citizens of the Heavenly kingdom to be persecuted and reproached. They have the part to be listed among the great saints and sages. (v10-12)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 5a (v1-26)


* A daughter’s thoughts at her father’s passing away — Salvation of my father came through extreme difficulties! In the beginning, he strongly objected his children going to church, to a point of mobilizing the discipline rod of our family. It is truly God’s mercy on him to soften his stiff-neck and ill-temper, bringing him to repentance! One day, he complained to my sister about a great pain in his leg and my sister followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and took him to pray with her. What a miracle, the pain in his leg was easing the next morning! Since that day, he would kneel and pray to the Lord, asking for healing and grace! For many years, he opened his home for group
fellowship, making Bibles and hymn books available for the meeting. The Lord’s Table is a solemn event for him. He was never late, always properly dressed! For a believer, all who are dead will rise to life. I firmly believe that we will meet again one day, and we will receive the return of the Lord together. — Ah Fong/HK

(More than 20 members in Ah Fong’s family are now faithful followers of the Lord! They send their thanks to saints for their supplication.)

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