The Calling By the Sea of Galilee!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
And they straightway left the nets, …. left the boat and their father, and followed Him. (v20, 22)

The Fishers Responding to The Calling

1. Fishers of Soul — The disciples heard the calling for accomplishing a task greater than any mission on earth – that is to obtain soul of man in the world. (v19)

2. Calling in Glory — The disciples saw Jesus, someone greater than themselves or their fathers – He is king of the heavenly kingdom. (v22)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 4b (v12-25)


* Please rally with me to pray for my seventh shot in the chemotherapy, to be done morning of Saturday, Jan 7. May the Lord uphold me in all ways. – Sam KONG/瑞榮

* Listen to song “Jesus Heals You”/耶穌你醫治

Jesus is a great Savior and Healer. Nothing is too difficult for Him.


* … Jehovah appeared to Abram, and said unto him, “I am God Almighty;….Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham…(Genesis 17:1, 5)

Genesis 16-18: God always uses a special name to reaffirm His pledge with man, assuring the feeble man of His Almighty power.

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