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Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
And Jesus with his disciples withdrew to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed; and from Judaea, (v7)

Ministry Outside the Tabernacle

1. Healing by the seaside — Jesus withdrew to the sea from the tabernacle, there He continued His healing ministry, casting out demons. It was His mission to bring to man a wholesome life. (v10-11)

2. Appointment up on the mountain — The 12 disciples’ missions are three fold: commitment in following Jesus, preaching His way, authorized to cast out demons. (v14-15)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 3a (v1-19)


* Even plants advertise and draw customers to come! In the deep bush of Cuba, climbing vines rely on bats to pollinate. By producing an ‘echo beacon’, the plants attract bats who navigate by responding to echoes. The vine has a dish-shape leaf located above a cluster of flowers that help bats find them by reflecting back the calls the bats send out. B. FENTON, an expert in bats studies said, “The leaf is like the neon-sign outside a restaurant, attracting customers to come.” Isn’t the design of the Great Creator all perfect!


* … And Jehovah heard it. Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men that were upon the face of the earth. (Numbers 12:2b-3)

Numbers 11-13: This is the Bible’s comment on Moses: meek, meaning that he did not fight back even when being oppressed or ill-treated. He fully counted on God to defend him.

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