A Sabbath Without Rest!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose up and went out, and departed into a desert place, and there prayed. (v35)

Work On The Sabbath

1. The Sabbath ends at sunset, congregations in the synagogue were dismissed but it was exactly when Jesus began His ministry of the Heavenly Kingdom, a time when the entire city gathered and waited for Him. (v32)

2. The Spiritual ministry at sunrise called for greater Holy power from God. Jesus, like all other servants of God had to depart into a desert place and prayed, finding an intimate moment of restfulness in God. (v35)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 1b (v29-45)


* As an ethnic Chinese, Jeremy LIN/林書豪 young and inexperienced when he set foot on the basketball court in college, was victim of mockery and discrimination.  One reporter even called him “chink”, a pejorative description that he was a Chinese with tiny eyes. Even facing such disrespect, Jeremy did not lose his temper, said that he was learning his lesson of forgiveness. Thanks to his parents’ Christian teaching and how the Word of impacts him since he was young, Jeremy has a big heart to forgive. This is what he recalls of his father’s advice “Even when you are being criticized by people, remain calm, do not get furious. Win a match and that can change the way people feel about you, you will gain their support and respect.” In a recent interview, Jeremy said, “I am proud to be a Chinese, I am proud of my parents who are from Taiwan. I thank God for giving me all these opportunities!” Famous as he is today, Jeremy does not forget his roots, all because he is obedient and fearful of the Lord since young.


*…speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying…So shall they put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them. (Numbers 6:22, 27)

Numbers 5-6: When the tribes were settling down in their camps, the Levites stood at their respective posts, the unclean had to stay outside the camp, the Nazirite had to separate himself unto Jehovah and God’s blessing came upon them.

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