Jesus really did die!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb… (v.59-60)

Jesus in the Tomb

Joseph who prepared the tomb – His courage in preparing the tomb and respect while taking care of the corpse highlighted his a ability to what he could for Jesus. (v.57)

The two Marys — The women followed Jesus all the way to the cross, and now came to the tomb. Whether Jesus was alive or dead, they would follow Him. (v.61)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matthew 27:45-66


* Bro. Lawrence Chu/朱家舜 (husband of Sis. Xiaoping WU/吳小萍), from Seattle, has been received by the Lord. Bro. Chu has been faithful to the Lord, loving and protecting his family and fellow saints, and was lived a life of testimony to the Lord. Please pray for Sis. Xiaoping and their daughters Stephanie and Elizabeth, that hope, comfort, and peace may be with them always, and that they may find rest. (Because the family needs some time to rest and recover, please refrain from calling the Chu family. Any consolations and enquiries can be sent through Ark Channel.


* You Raise Me Up/重新點起我生命 (Cantonese 2010 version)

Even though I taste disappointment and setbacks, You are by my side, and You raise me up.


* Then the tent of meeting and the camp of the Levites will set out in the middle of the camps. They will set out in the same order as they encamp, each in their own place under their standard. (Numbers 2:17)

Numbers 1-2: The Israelite’s wandering in the desert was a military procession. The 12 tribes encamped around the Tabernacle in a square formation, headed towards the Canaan lands.

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