Be Daring?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
… and he was moved with compassion for them…<6:34>

Living in an Unbelieving Age– 2 missions :
1. What to do if your family members, enemies & disciples are not trusting you? —?v.1…6?7…29?30…56?
2. Bless and bring fullness to people’s lives; calming the tides and bring peace to people’s lives. — This is our mission that never changes!?v.33…44?45…56)

? A changed mum – Yesterday mentioned about a young friend of mine. He wanted to devote in full-time ministry after graduated from university, but his mother was against it. After working for a period of time, his mother suggested him to study further; he grasped hold of the chance to study Theology. Later his mother believed in Jesus! She read through the whole Bible in half a year and has quitted smoking also. Now she is full of joy divine!

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