The Anointing of the Messiah!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope Add comments
…. for she hath wrought a good work upon me. (v10b)

The Lingering Scent

1. One Good Work — The response to the pouring of the ointment: some disciples found it wasteful; Jesus found it a beautiful, virtuous thing to do, good enough to be remembered for long. (v10)

2. To be Spoken for a Memorial of Her — Under the shadow of the cross, this is some sweet water in the much bitter life of Jesus, sweet and scented to this day. (v13)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 26a (v1-25)


* Caught without words when preaching the gospel? Fully equip yourself with 255 gospel messages and testimonies! 3 small yet very influential books by XL ZHANG/張郁嵐, books by Bro. SD JIANG/江守道, full set of gospel pamphlets by Bro. Watchman NEE/倪柝聲, messages by WANG Zai/王載, WANG Zi/王峙, Billy GRAHAM/葛培理.  May the same love the Lord filled our forefathers fill us full!

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