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Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope Add comments
…He is not the God of the dead but of the living. (v32)

War With Words T

1. The Question about Resurrection — It is more than a matter of marriage! Life after this is a bigger world.  Death cannot nullify the eternal relationship between God and man. (v.32)

2. Life With a Commandment — It takes on two vital responsibility, first is to love God, second is to love man. Both requires love without reservation (v.40)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 22b (v23-46)


* Testimony made by churches in Japan, in areas affected by the nuclear disaster area – The work of the Lord always does great wonder in invigorating the power of resurrection power out of death.

Spend 5 minutes to watch the great disaster faced by the church in Japan (how can our problems compare?)


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