All Is Ready! Come To The Feast!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
For many are called, but few chosen. (v14)

A Cross Generation Wedding Banquet!

1. Denying Sin — The ones who were called first responded with a “No”. The king found them to be unworthy and opened the door to those who chose to come. (v8)

2. All Are Welcome – Good or Evil! — The heavenly kingdom is full of people like you and me, good and evil, one who used to wander at cross-road of life, rescued by the servant of God. (v10)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 22a (v1-22)


* Amazing Grace/奇異恩典

Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, forget not His grace, His pardon, His redemption, His healing. God is like an eagle carrying us on His wings, bringing us back to His care.


* … and the priest shall burn the whole on the altar, for a burnt-offering, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor unto Jehovah. (Leviticus 1:9b)

Leviticus 1-4:Among the five offerings, only the burnt offering is all for God’s enjoyment. The offering ranges from a bullock or a turtle-dove,  depending on what the offer-maker can afford. What counts is his willingness to make the offering.

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