Give Me Strength?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him…Be opened!” … the man’s ears were opened (v.34-35)

Mark’s exclusive report — growing of seed, healing of deaf-mute and the blind :
1. Lord said “just like day & night, sleeps & get out” — seeds of gospel will sprout & grow by themselves. So just preach & relax.?4:26…29?
2. Lord “looked up with a deep sigh” — merciful is his heart! Just bring the ignorant before Him…?7:31…37?
3. Lord “took the blind man by hand” — and lead him to light step by step. The key is to be patient!?8:22…26?

? Everyone needs Jesus — Jesus’ 33.5 years was surely a legend ! Last week Vessel Music held musical gospel meeting “Legend 33.5” in church. The hall filled with students, plenty believed. Next show in Causeway Bay tomorrow afternoon. Recently many tragedies happaend in HK, suicides including university students, girls, famous doctor & senior police officer. Pls pray for HK.? inquiry : 2369 5106?

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