My Brother, Pay What You Owe!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
shouldest not thou also have had mercy on thy fellow-servant, even as I had mercy on thee? (v33)

The Wicked Servant In The Church

1. Among brothers — The church is a group of people who are waived the debt worth a billion. Why can’t we spare one another the trivial of 10 dollars? (v33)

2. The way with forgiving — Jesus holds a very high standard concerning forgiveness. The hard part lies with ‘forgive from your heart’. It is not about rules and laws, it is all out of mercy and compassion. (v35)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 18b (v21-35)


* Sister CHAN Kam Fong/ 陳金芳HK was received into the peace of the Lord while asleep on Feb/1. We miss her a lot at her sudden departure. While she was suffering the torture of sickness, we testify that the Lord is blessing her all along – a tender loving husband, her daughter, a sister in the Lord, CHAN Wan Chi/陳韻姿 who is most caring. Please pray for Sister Chan’s husband to soon accept Jesus as his Savior. May the Lord comfort Wan Chi for her loss. The family thanks all and declines phone calls in the meantime. Funeral arrangements will be made known later. — Sister CHAN Man Fong/陳文芳


*  Valley of Baca (weeping)/流淚谷 /Hymn

Blessed are those who dwell in your house. Whose strength is in you. (Psalm 84)


* … of every man whose heart maketh him willing…that I may dwell among them…According to all that I show thee, … (Exodus 25:1-9)

Exodus 25-27: The 3 principles by which God builds: man’s offering, God’s desire to live among man, the pattern that God stipulates.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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