Little Is Faith! Great Is Mission!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew Add comments
…  O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I bear with you? bring him hither to me? (v17b)

Grief of The Messiah

1. Two Only Sons to Two Fathers — Great faith in the father! While disciples failed, he still believed that the Only Begotten Son of God could save his only son! (v15)

2. A Pathetic Generation — The unbelieving counts on material possessions alone as their life, leaving him numb and heartless towards things in the spiritual realm. (v17)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 17b (v14-27)


* In one of the Chinese New Year Gospel Meeting, Church in HK, an elderly came for the first time and was very consumed in enjoying the hymns and the message. However, at time of calling, he refused to come before the Lord! The brother who invited him was very anxious and prayed hard to move the mighty hand of the Lord to save him from drifting off. Touched by the Spirit, our brother asked him to fill out a return slip and he ticked against “It is my first time in accepting and believing in Jesus in the open today!”. Our brother asked why he was not coming forward to the podium and joined the prayer if he believed in the Lord! Glory to God! He got hold of the last moment to step up and joined in the prayer to accept Jesus as his Savior!


* I am Jehovah thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:2-3)

Exodus 19-21:This verse introduces the Ten Commandments and seen by the Jews as the first most law in Judaism. The commandments begin with the grace of God’s salvation. The commandments depict the spirit of the laws of God.

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