All for Jesus!

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus. (v.8)

This is the life of the cross — glory on the hill, labour down the hill :
1. Look & listen — with heart (v.1-13) — Don’t be superficial in revivals. Fix your eyes on Jesus , use your heart in renounce with God’s words!
2. Be diligent in serving– by faith (v.14-38) — The true life of cross is one hidden in serving the crowd. Prolonged silence, slaving hard & wearying…
The Lord promised – there will be harder life ahead!

* I am reading a book by female Chinese scientist Esther Su ???. She treated Bible as manual of life, with her 4 kids raised up in truth. Sis. Su ‘s children entered universities when they were only 9-12. They all have excellent achievement on areas like computer science, genetics, medicine, chemistry & music. Sister Su & her husband Dr. William Ho ??? loved both God & men, they helped children all according to Jesus’ words. Those parents pursuing utilitarian-based books like “Harvard Girls” should read careful the book “Biblical Secrets in Good Parenting” by sister Su. (publisher: Truth Monthly)

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