Jesus Entered a House

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother. (v.35)

Feud within the Family

Opposition from Relatives — For the sake of the will of God, Jesus preached and healed many, not even caring about eating; his family could not help but express dismay at him. (v.20)

Opposition from the Teachers — In his response to the teachers’ slander, Jesus conceals a message about the Gospel – that all sins can be forgiven. (v.28)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 3:20-35


* News from Seattle – Rita’s/吳小萍 husband Lawrence/朱家舜 has passed away. A letter from the family:

Your prayers have helped Lawrence’s family… Rita and their daughters are now doing fine emotionally… with the sudden loss, there’s inevitably a lot of ripples running through the family, but we ask that the bro. & sis. do not ask too much about the accident.

There are 4 prayer requests. (1) For God’s comfort and wisdom; (2) To ask their daughters to return to the church to seek God; (3) To get a guide dog as soon as possible, to return life to normal; (4) To find sisters to pick Rita up for Bible study. Thank you again for the love and concern, may the Lord return you the favour – Rita Wu; Paul Wu. (Note: Rita has vision problems, so she has applied for a guide dog to help out in her daily life, please intercede in prayer for this.)


* Brave through trails together – Sis. Meiyan YE/葉美燕 in Hong Kong has had her 4th chemotherapy session today (March 2), Lord, please be her protector!

* Bro. Youming Chu/朱佑明 needs a second cycle of chemotherapy for his cancer; he just had his first session. Lord, please bring him extra doses of courage and mercy! Please pray for them all!


* Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them. (Numbers 14:9)

Numbers14-15:Joshua and Caleb’s report included 3 things: This was a good land, that God would lead them in, and God would be with them.

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