Miracle of Legion : Demons, Swine and Men in Legion!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
… Go to thy house unto thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and how He had mercy on thee. (v19b)

Great Affairs in Life

1. Men possessed by demon are in great chaos, man who detour from the way of God suffer immensely both in spirit and body! What Jesus does to them are truly great affairs in their life. (v19)

2. Men liberated with the demons cast out are back to sense. Let him put on a new cloak, come back to senses and serve the Lord with both spirit and body the rest of his life. (v20)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 5a (v1-24)


* Let’s pray for Iranian Pastor Yousef NADARKHANI/尤素福·納達克哈尼, a very faithful pastor serving his country. For refusing to deny the name of the Lord and holding regular home meetings, he is sentenced to death and suffers great torture in jail, soon to be executed. Let’s pray fervently for our brother, his wife and his two children.

May the Lord save him from the sword!

The court’s verdict and the CNN report:

http://hosanna-the-highest.blogspot.com/2011/11/blog-post_393.html (In Chinese)

CNN: http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/23/white-house-state-department-condemn-iran-on-pastors-execution-orders/?iref=allsearch


* …Thou shalt have no inheritance in their land, neither shalt thou have any portion among them: I am thy portion and thine inheritance among the children of Israel.… (Numbers 18:20b)

Numbers 18-19: The servants of God possess no inheritance in the world. This is precisely their privilege because they have God Himself their portion.

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