Cry Out Of Desperation!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
Straightway the father of the child cried out, and said, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. (v24)

A Stubborn Demon

1. Faith of the Disciples — The disciples were not able to cast out demons! Was it because they were not qualified to do so or that they were incompetent! But according to the Lord, it was due to their lack of faith. (v19)

2. Faith of the Father — The father of the child admitted frankly that he lacked the faith. He begged for the Lord’s mercy because he saw his own weakness. Isn’t this precisely a demonstration of his faith. (v24)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 9a (v1-22)


*Praise the Lord! Evangelist Franklin GRAHAM/葛福臨was preaching Faith, Hope and Love in Sendai, the quake-hit area of Japan’s 311 earthquake. The Holy Spirit did great wonders on this piece of arid land, magnifying the name of Jesus. Total attendance was 12000 in 3 days, 400 said YES to the altar call. Let’s cease not in praying for the lost ones in Japan!

Messages in Sendai meetings:


*  Give three on this side of the Jordan and three in Canaan as cities of refuge. (Numbers 35:14)

Numbers 34-36: Cities of refuge provide a shelter for the manslayers. Wherever you were, whether in Canaan or on this side of the Jordan, all tribesmen were in the care and mercy of God.

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