A Miracle That Called For Laying of Hands Two Times!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
Then again he laid his hands upon his eyes; and he looked steadfastly, and was restored, and saw all things clearly. (v25)

The Blind Man of Bethsaida

1. Seeing Jesus for the first time — After laying His hands upon the blind man for the first time, Jesus asked “Seest thou aught?” This tells us that Jesus’ healing is first with his physical body. (v23)

2. Seeing Jesus for the second time — After laying His hands upon the blind man, he was fully restored and able to all things clearly. This tells us that Jesus’ healing is wholesome, even our inner blindness is healed. This opens up to what follows in Peter’s great understanding about Jesus. (v25)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  Mark 8b (v22-38)


* Precious photos from all lands. (Reflection on the anniversary of the 2011-311 Earthquake of Japan, Part 2).

‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)


*  And Moses said unto the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to the war, and shall ye sit here? (Numbers 32:6)

Numbers 32-33: History proves to us that the Reubenites and Gadites have made a bad choice in picking the lands because they were suitable for livestock and left their brethren to go to the war on their own.

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