He Hath Done All Things Well!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
…. He maketh even the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak. (v37b)

A Beautiful Thing

1. The good intention of the Lord — The Lord took the deaf and the dumb to His side privately, freeing them from the pressure of the multitude! How true that our Lord is thoughtful and compassionate. (v33)

2. The great power of the Lord — The Lord demonstrated His power to heal like in a mime: put fingers into one’s ears to open the hearing, spat and touched one’s tongue to loosen the speech, looked up heavenward and sighed. (v35)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  Mark 7b (v24-37)


*Taoist LU DongBin/呂洞賓 was in fact a Christianity underground?  In research of renowned scholar Prof. LO Hsiang Lin/羅香林, there are proofs that LU Dong Bin, founder of Taoism could possibly be a disciple of Jesus. Taoism was his way to disguise his real faith, as a means to avoid persecution by the government. In Prof Lo’s book “Jinggiao as in Tang and Yuan Dynasties”, there are numerous proofs that the spell-like scriptures of Lu Dong Bin, when translated in Syriac alphabet, in fact were his words of praises to Christ. One example is “An shana lirabrbatha mashiha” , meaning “yes, the Christ did go up to high things” (誠哉,,基督是從諸天降臨者…) More such examples can be found in the book of Prof Lo.


*  And Moses sent them, …, to the war, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the vessels of the sanctuary and the trumpets for the alarm in his hand. (Numbers 31:6)

Numbers 30-31: The priests led in the war, using vessels of the sanctuary. This teaches us that this war was a means of purifying His people from the evil and sins due to blending with the aliens.

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