Pharisees Behind Mask!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites. (v6)

Challenging Traditions

1. Men’s Inherited Problems — The detestable part of the Pharisees was that they were keeping all the statues of the law while straying from the overarching principle of God’s immense love. (v9)

2. Impurity in the Heart — The Lord notes the inner state of our heart; true purity is not of washing hands, but of clearing of the impurities in our hearts. (v.23)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 7:1-23


* Bro. Omar/S. America knew his brother was diagnosed with a brain tumor when he was young. At that time, Omar was only 12 years old; his brother had only 3 months left to live. They prayed and left it all in the Lord’s hands. While the Lord worked a miracle, his brother still died —- but 45 years later! Omar was greatly encouraged, and lived for the Gospel from then on, even speaking and teaching for 450 nights straight at gospel meetings, planting 187 local churches. Many years on, the gospel meetings have produced much fruit, with 64% of them taking root. They deeply believe what was written in Amos 8:11 – why don’t you take a look at it too?


…one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the Lord’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd. (Numbers 27:17)

Numbers 27-29:Moses knew that he could not enter the promised land, but did not complain, instead keeping his people’s welfare at heart. How unselfish!

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