Miracles of Dividing the Bread by the Lord, Himself Hungry Too!

Everyday New Testament, Mark Add comments
And he marveled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages teaching. (v6)

Twelve Basketfuls

1. Need of the multitude — Simply entrust our life in the hands of the Lord. He will take it, bless, break and give to the people around Him. (v41)

2. Need of the disciples — There is always a seal that marks God’s provisions. They are always ample and more than enough to provide for use by the disciples. (v43)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 6b (v30-56)


* “A Simple Life” /桃姐an award winning movie based on a true story, tells of the simple and genuine friendship of a employer/employee relationship. Sister Peach, in reality was working in a Christian family, who cared enough to take her before the Lord and be baptized in 2000. View video of the personal recount by the screenwriter and hero in the story.



*  But among these there was not a man of them that were numbered by Moses and Aaron the priest, who numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai. (Numbers 26:64)

Numbers 24-26: The Israelites numbered the population once again before entering the Promised Land. There were only two warriors of faith left from the last head count.

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