Where Are Your Fruits!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Sunday Hope Add comments
And He answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit from thee henceforward for ever. …. (v14a)

Fruit  Search

1. Tree Without Fruit — The fig tree symbolizes Israel for its abundance in leaves but not bearing any fruits. Can the Lord find fruits in you? (v20)

2. Temple Without God — The temple as the center of religion, busy with actions and activities, is in fact occupied with worldly rituals. Let’s take heed in not repeating the same in our church today. (v17)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 11b (v12-33)


* It’s been one full year since the 311 Earthquake in Japan…. It is amazing to know that so many friends are praying for us, lending us support from outside our nation. I am paying great respect to friends from on all lands in their care and support. — Brother Shin, Japan

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