Salvation Comes To This House!

Everyday New Testament, Luke Add comments
For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost. (v10)

Zacchaeus Of Jericho

1. Who He Was — Zacchaeus was a tax official, rich yet greedy, short in build, a sinner too. But the Lord called him a son of Abraham. (v9)

2. Change In Him — Zacchaeus, once saved, stood before the multitude to confess his sins and through solid actions proved the change in his life. (v7)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Luke 19a (v1-27)


* TX LIU/劉同蘇 formerly scholar of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences met the Lord at Yale University. He is now a full time pastor, whose preaching inspired many Chinese students. Listen to his sharing of his insight into the mystery of faith just through staring out the curtain of the window in a cold winter day in Beijing! Video at


* And the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God. (2 Samuel 6:7)

2 Samuel 6-8: As children of God, we have to be able to discern when God is angry. What happened to Uzzah teaches us the lesson of the fear for God, and experience how unfathomable He is.

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