A Cry That Touches God?

Everyday New Testament, Luke Add comments
What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight. (v41)

The Blind Man Of Jericho

1. His Courage — From his cry that drew people’s attention to his cry in desperation, the blind man strived tirelessly and persisted until he was saved. (v38-39)

2. His Determination — Once he was saved, the blind man followed Jesus. What a beautiful scene of paving the way for the Messiah’s entry into the holy city. (v43)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Luke 18b (v24-43)


* Sister Isabelle, wife of Jack CHAN, left her native city Bandol in the Southern France to go to Togo, a country in West Africa, to preach the love of the Lord. She is now back home, in joy and thanks all saints for their prayers. The team from Church in Bandol helped the local church they visited, helped also in children ministry, bringing the white people and the black people to worship as one congregation. Let’s continue to pray for the salvation of the lost ones in Togo. May the Lord also remember Sister Isabelle’s wish in serving the Lord as a whole family. (Brother Jack: I am now praying with my wife in French every morning and enjoy great leading by the Holy Spirit. One time as I was driving on the highway, Isabelle was touched by the spirit and halted me to pull over so that we could read a passage from the Bible, as led by the Holy Spirit….)


* And David came to Baal-perazim, and David smote them there; and he said, Jehovah hath broken mine enemies before me, like the breach of waters…. (2 Samuel 5:20a)

2 Samuel 3-5: It’s God, not Baal-perazim that David remembered. David would pass away but God is everlasting and God is the source of all victory.

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