How Long Can Your Faith Sustain?

Everyday New Testament, Luke Add comments
And shall not God avenge his elect, that cry to him day and night, and yet he is longsuffering over them? (v7)

Two Parables About Prayers

1. A persistent widow — What could a poor widow gain out of an unrighteous judge? But her request was fulfilled because she did not give up and kept on asking. That’s the same in our pray. Do not give up in asking and you will be given. (v7)

2. A humble tax collector — The publican was standing far off from the temple, not even dared to look up into heaven. How would God ignore such prayer from a humble and sorrowful heart. (v13)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Luke 18a (v1-23)


* YW CHU/朱源和made a new friend when he was ill. The friend accompanied him in a walk in the park almost 3 hours each week, during which time Chu did most of the talking for as long as two hours. The friend was patient all the way in listening. When Chu finished talking, the friend would lead him to pray before saying goodbye. This went on for half a year until Chu was completely healed. Before, Chu used to see nothing but M (for McDonald, Money). Now, in a TV interview, when asked what he would inscribe on his tomb, he said, “I would only say “Nothing Compares To Knowing You, You Are The Treasure Of My Life!”


* And it came to pass after this, that David inquired of Jehovah, saying, … And Jehovah said unto him, … And David said, … And He said, unto Hebron. (2 Samuel 2:1)

2 Samuel 1-2: This must be a habitual practice of David that regardless what circumstances, his spontaneous reaction was to first inquire of God.

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