Where Are The Other Nine?

Everyday New Testament, Luke Add comments
Were there none found that returned to give glory to God, … (v18a)

Give Thanks

1. Man’s Needs — When man is trapped in trouble, he asks God for help. Once the trouble is over, he forgets God. This forgetfulness is in our human nature. (v13)

2. God’s Expectation — God is happy to help those who come to Him. He also wishes man to be thankful. This is a principle in life that we interact and exchange and fellowship with one another. (v18)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Luke 17a (v1-19)


* Beyond! Farewell to Motherland! /《彼岸》告別故土 Many Chinese pastors gather from all around the globe to share testimony of how they respond to God’s calling and serve the Lord Jesus! http://blog.ccmchurch.com.au/archives/2839


* So David took the spear and water jug near Saul’s head…, nor did anyone wake up. They were all sleeping, because the Lord had put them into a deep sleep. (1 Samuel 26:12)

1 Samuel 26-28: When God took away the protection over Saul, no army, no matter how strong, was able to protect him.

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