A Good Thing at the Beautiful Gate!

Everyday New Testament, John, Sunday Hope Add comments
But Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but what I have, that give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. (v6)

The First Miracle

1. Peter said what he had to give to the lame was better than silver and gold – the ability to restore one’s life. What can be better than this?  (v6)

2. The seven responses of the lame: leaped, stood, walked, entered the temple, praising God while walking and leaping, in full energy. (v8)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 3 (v1-26)


* God grants ‘Take Two’! – Scholar WK BAO/鮑維均once went to the casino to preach the gospel. The pastor said he hated the number 7 because he had to take the HK Certificate Exam 7 times and the driver license test 7 times. He worked hard to get into the famous university, got his Master degree, and everything was going well. Then in 2003, a medical exam revealed he might have cancer.  It was the time when SARS hit and he could not be treated…One time while driving he was touched by the message he heard. He stopped the car and said in tears, “God… I don’t know how many more days I have left but regardless, I give those days to you!”  After SARS, further diagnosis confirmed he did not have cancer. To fulfill his commitment, he studied and served in the church. God waves His hand to those in difficult times, take heed and you will sense it!

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