Come to Him?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
… love the Lord thy God with all thy heart… <12:30>

Lord’s example — determined to the goal :
1. Love God with all your heart?v.38…41? — Bible Studies is all for the purpose of loving God and nearer to God .
2. All sacrifice to God?v.41…44? — The widow gave all to God. Your sacrifice to God are known by Lord!

? Yesterday an police officier witnessed that though he received Christ for more than 20 years, the complicated working environment made his spiritual life down. But a verse kept him in these 20 years, which is the verse he heard God speaking to him when he newly believed: “Not giving up our meetings”?Heb 10:25?. So he came to gatherings even he kept sleeping in meeting hall. Now his whole family is blessed, and they open their home for saints every week. So be obedient and come to gatherings!

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