Lord, What Shall This Man Do?

Everyday New Testament, John Add comments
… If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me. (v22)

Peter’s Destiny

1. Jesus gave two missions to the disciples: tend his sheep and walk the road of the cross, that is to follow the Lord’s footsteps in his journey to glory. (v19)

2. Peter was concerned on how he would match up with others. The Lord entrusted different mission to different people but everyone’s duty is to “follow me”. (v22)

Scripture of the Day (NT): John 21b (v15-25)


* Hudson TAYLOR/戴德生, founder of China Inland Mission/內地會, loved Chinese souls, inspired thousands of youth to come to China. At 68, he witnesses that in 40 years, he had read the entire Bible 40 times. His secret weapon is fellowship with God early each morning before he started work. The development of China Inland Mission is huge, not relying on marketing because he connects closely with headquarters in heaven, never dropping the line! (Should our generation ponder and reflect?)


* Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven. (Nehemiah 2:4)

Nehemiah 1-5: This is Nehemiah’s secret, in everything thing pray, always pray, pray aloud, also pray in your heart. God listens!

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