“Friends, haven’t you any fish?”

Everyday New Testament, John Add comments
…It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. (v.11)

It is the Lord!

Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection; they had no catch all night, but Jesus used a fire of burning coals, fish and bread to care for them. (v.9)

The disciples followed Jesus’ instruction and caught 153 fish (some interpretations suggest this to be “all types” of fish), representing the Gospel being spread to all people. (v.11)

Scripture of the Day (NT): John 21:1-14


* Pastor and Bible Scholar WJ Bao/鮑維均 had two friends who were married. In 1993, the wife caught pneumonia while being pregnant, and had to undergo an emergency C-section. The baby survived but the wife had to rest for half a month. The doctor’s verdict was that only God could heal her… and He did! In that same year, Bao’s wife suddenly died from serious illness. 2-3 years later, the three of them were reminiscing, and Bao asked, “Is it easier to come close to God during good times or bad?” Bao realized that during the good year of 1998, it was much harder to rely on God compared to the bad year of 1993! During times of hardship everybody knows to come to God in prayer, but to rely on the Lord during times of stability is even tougher!


* So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. (Ezra 8:23)

Ezra 8-10: Under threat from the enemies outside, Ezra led the remnant Israelites to do the most important thing – prayer. This is the most powerful weapon the people of God can rely on.

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