Why Weep! Why Break My Heart?

Acts, Everyday New Testament Add comments
… I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. (v13)

Paul heads to Jerusalem

1. Tears — During the separation (tearing apart) at Ptolemais, with Paul’s farewell and the Caesareans weeping, the brotherhood was evident. (v1-13)

2. Broken-hearted — Paul’s will was strong; the brothers’ tears broke his heart (bleached his heart), as much as he honored them, he did not waver. (v13)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 21


* Pastor YP CHEN/陳耀鵬 talked about an 85-year old sister, whose husband was taken by the Lord 45 years ago. She raised their 5 sons alone amidst much difficulty, and asked the Lord constantly for help. She was a teacher for 10 years, and became the school’s principal, and later manager of a home for the elderly, all with impressive results. She would take her children to school on the first bus in the morning, and then worked till late. She remembered every elderly person’s name, and recorded their characteristic in a small notebook, treating them as her own parents. For 45 years this sister has been strong yet gentle, all by the grace of God!


* The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. (Psalm 23:1)

Psalm 22-24: We usually cannot rest because of our greed, and we fail to see how God has provided our needs; now witness His power, can your heart now rest?

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