New Beginning!

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…but she of her destitution h as cast in all that she had, the whole of her living.

God look over all our deeds – Lord’s view on the poor widow’s offering :
1. With hope of resurrection when helpless?v.18…27? — God is not the God of the dead. Husband on earth can pass away, but the widow knew the God of the living!
2. Love God with all the heart on ends of road?v.30?41…44? — Today Jesus also watching : are we willing to give our life for God’s family!?

? After famous doctor bro Chan Sou Chi??? had passed away for 8 years, his wife recalled : ”We can’t rely on anyone to take care our lives…but the abundant and everlasting love of my husband still became the strength which support me to go ahead. The unchanging love, only love, only love from God…and I am going to stay on earth, to complete my mission…”

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