Look At My Hands!

Acts, Everyday New Testament Add comments
In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring ye ought to help the weak… (v35)

Farewell at Miletus

1. His memories – Paul’s ministry: humility (to serve the flock), tears (for the worries of the church), and trials (plots of the Jews). (v19)

2. His hands – ‘these hands’ in the original text is placed at the beginning of the sentence to emphasize Paul’s hard work have supplied himself and the needs of his co-workers. (v34)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 20 (17-38)


* Man Blessed By God <video in Korean>

Relying on God, looking to God, serving, dedicating oneself are what the Lord desires and cherishes


* …there is nothing hid from the heat thereof…Clear thou me from hidden faults.. (Psalms 19:6,12)

Psalms 19-21: In the material world, there is no creature that can escape the light of the sun. In the spiritual world, God’s words pierce through man’s heart.

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