A Preacher Who Was In the Tent Making Trade!

Acts, Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope Add comments
…Be not afraid, but speak and hold not thy peace: for I am with thee…for I have much people in this city.  (v9-10)

Vision In Corinth

1. His Profession — Paul had faith as such: he is a teacher, a preacher while holding a job, earning his own living. (v3)

2. His Vision — Paul was attacked and in fear. In his vision, God’s guarantee ‘I am with you’ kept him in good faith and encouraged. (v10)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 18


* God’s servant, the Lord’s beloved, Brother LI DaGuan/黎大官has passed away and now rests with God in peace. Please pray for his wife, Cecilia/麗娟 and young daughter, Tien Qing/天晴 and family. May God Himself comfort them. Please also pray for the saints of the church he shepherded. May the Lord fortify work of his life. Memorial service will be held Aug/3 8pm at the Universal Funeral Home. Burial the morning of Aug/4.


* Weeping Endureth For A Night/一宿雖有哭泣  〈詩歌〉

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. His favor lasts a lifetime.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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