You’re Basically Asking Me to Be a Christian!

Acts, Everyday New Testament Add comments
So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. (v.19)

Paul Appeals to King Agrippa

1. His self control — Through his answers, Paul demonstrated much self-control – the Gospel has areas where the mind cannot comprehend, but has no unreasonable components. (v24)

2. His gentleness — Paul wanted so much for souls to be freed, and not to be chained in flesh – this was his sincere feelings! (v.29)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 26


* The head of a monastery asked a monk, “What have you done today?” The monk replied, “Every day I am busy managing two cows, two deer, two eagles, one snake; fighting with one bear, and looking after a patient.” He further explained, “The two cows are my eyes – I must not see undesirable things; the two deer are my legs – I must not walk the path of sin but stay firmly on the path of Truth; the two eagles are my hands – I must make sure they are not idle and not bearing fruit. The snake is my tongue – I must prevent it from gossip and idle talk. The bear is my heart – I must control it to be not selfish and arrogant, and the patient is myself – I have to challenge my flesh, so that I do not enjoy the pleasures of sin.


* How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. (Psalm 36:7)

Psalm 36-38: God’s love is His faithfulness to His covenant, He will protect His people with His wings.

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