I Appeal Unto Caesar!

Acts, Everyday New Testament Add comments
But Paul said, I am standing before Caesar’s judgment-seat, where I ought to be judged… (v10)

Appeal Unto Caesar

1. Paul’s choice – Paul chose to go to Rome because he had insight into the conspiracy of the Jews. This also realized the Lord’s assurance in his vision. (v11)

2. King’s power and influence – Distinguished people display grand gestures but Paul was calm as usual because with God on his side, who else is he afraid of?  (v23)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 25


* Something More  <music video in English>

Nick Vujicic uses his handicapped body to comfort the many souls who are in distress, pain, fear and sorrow.



* I will bless Jehovah at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Psalms 34:1)

Psalms 33-35: Life is unpredictable. But the psalmist is able to joyfully praise God in every situation.

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