He is God of the Ocean

Acts, Everyday New Testament Add comments
For there stood by me this night an angel of the God whose I am, whom also I serve… (v23)

Danger On the Sea

1. God’s comfort – When man’s last hope for survival fails, Paul stands up to say, “I believe God”.  People with faith in God stand out from the rest. (v25)

2. Comfort for everyone – Faith can infect others. All 276 people on board followed Paul to eat at a critical juncture. It’s a good thing they had Paul among them. (v36)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 27 (v21-44)


* In 2009, a few weeks before .James Hudson Taylor III’s /戴紹曾 death, a lady doctor asked him, “In your past 50 years of ministry, at what time and which incident impressed you most?” Rev.Taylor did not mention about him being a Dean of a College… Szechuan’s model citizen. He only said,”When I see God working, my heart is filled with excitement”.

* Brother LI Da Guan’s/黎大官 memorial service will be held on Aug/3 8pm (Universal Funeral Parlor), burial will be on Aug/4 morning.  Let’s continue to pray for God’s comfort for his wife, Cecilia/麗娟 and their young daughter/天晴!


* Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God.… (Psalms 43:5)

Psalms 42-45: Life is bitter and the heat unbearable. The secret is to put your hope in God. Even if the situation does not change, you are already victorious.

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