
Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
… a cock crew. And Peter remembered the word that Jesus said to him… he wept.

Compulsory course in life — everyone is leaving except God :
1. Only the Father accompanies us forever?v.32…65?…When you face a bitter cup alone, you find that God is closest!
2. Only God is the unchanging friend?v.66…72?…Time reveals the truth. One day we will find that God is still on our sides!

? David C. Lam the entrepreneur worked hard towards success. His biography I concluded 4 factors for his success:
1. study hard ?he kept on studying encyclopedia even though he has left school!?
2. walk the talk?on religion, business or politics?
3. make good friends
4. rely on God in prayer
When Lam was young ,one night his classmates invited him to take a walk. Lam instead stayed home to seek God in prayer. Afterward he heard from his classmates that they saw Lam knelt & prayed, at same time also a man in white clothes knelt on his opposite. The classmates were shocked, and Lam’s mother only told him that this was a blessing & protection from God. So Lam loved God and man for his whole life, became an educationist as well as a faithful servant of Lord.

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