The Church in the Sight of God!

Corinthians 1, Everyday New Testament Add comments
unto the church of God which is at Corinth, even them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that call upon the name … in every place, … (v2)

Corinth – the Sin City

1. Church belonging to God – No matter what condition of the church, she is still Church of God, she belongs to God and God dwells therein. (v2)

2. Children belonging to God – The Church is in a sanctified state (to be set apart from life of the past). The church is the status of being blessed (different from men of the world). (v2)

Scripture of the day : (NT) I Corinthians 1


* God’s warning to all saints of all times:

“You call me the Lord but you don’t listen to me. You call me light but you do not see me. You call me the way but you do not walk on me.

You call me good but you don’t love me. You call me rich but you do not ask me for provisions. You call me eternity but you do not seek me.

You call me kind but you do not obey me. You call me righteous but you do not fear me. Do not blame me when I cast judgment on you.”


* I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. Oh when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. (Psalm 101:2)

Psalm 98-101 : The psalmist reiterates his determination in becoming a perfect man. He knows deep down god-fearing living as such has to begin from his own house.

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