Bury the Past?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying … My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Lord’s death brought changes in 3 aspects :
1. The curtain parted (v.38) — The separation between men & God vanished, by Him we can come to God again!
2. The gentiles believe (v.39) — The centurion admitted Jesus was the Son of God. Symbolizing the whole world can be saved!
3. Be a disciple boldly (v.43-46) — Joseph who had been a disciple secretly , now stood up bravely. (It’s time to witnesses Him!)

* Tommy Lo, a college lecture, experienced a car accident. He reviewed his life in a second. He called, “O Jesus, save me!” in his heart, and he realized that “a man may designs for his way, but the Lord is the guide of his steps.” Since then Tommy relied on Lord for his life and not to walk his own way anymore.
* Easter holiday approaching, prayed in alert for the cities where we live. Use the opportunity to win both the men and the land for Lord. (Pay attention to the various bible conferences & gospel meetings, gain younger generation for Him.)

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