It Is Good For a Man To Remain As He Is!

Corinthians 1, Everyday New Testament Add comments
… each person, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation they were in when God called them. (v.24)

Christians Content In Christ

1. Change — The change that our calling brings is a change in our outlook on life – those who were enslaved in sin are set free, and the freed will freely serve the Lord. (v22)

2. Unchanged — Our hearts may change, but our identity does not. Do not be dissatisfied with our current situation; instead, we ought to persevere and serve the Lord of Life! (v24)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  1 Corinthians 7b (v20-40)


* Footsteps of the Saints – ML ZHOU and family/周茂林夫婦 from Vancouver have been serving the Lord for many years, and have returned to Vancouver after visiting the Saints in HK in August. Their daughter Ziyun/子韻 and her husband are going to LA to advance their Biblical studies for four years, to prepare themselves to serve the Lord. Please pray for them to continue the Lord’s work in this family’s 2nd generation!

Bro. James CHU朱永毅 called from New York: his 10-hour surgery was successful, all cancer cells were removed and he can be spared chemotherapy. Only his right leg feels a bit weak. He is grateful and thankful for God’s freely-given mercy!

* James Chu on “An Eternal Investment” (English & Chinese):


* Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart! (Psalm 119:2)

Psalm 119:1-88: This is a psalm that begins with blessings – it describes a person who not only reads but also keeps the statutes of the law.

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