Go into the World?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…preached everywhere, the Lord working with them …<16:20>

The disciples went forth, and God worked with them :
1. Christ is not here, he is resurrected?v.6?— Death can’t prevent Lord from serving us . Jesus has resurrected,!
2. Preach to the peoples, with miracles following?v20?— Go out with Lord and turn hopeless lives into miracles!

? Lin Yutang, the master of Chinese language, had a poor pastor father who had only $16-20 for salaries a month in a small town. But he loved his people sincerely, devoted wholeheartedly to preaching & teaching as well as solving disputes, prayed earnestly at nights. He subscribed the magazine “Christian Intelligence” written by a Western missionary & nurtured a broad view. Lin recalled that his father sold everyone to send his elder brother’s studies in college; later his brother financed Lin’s studies (and in turn he financed his little brother also). That’s why he could become a scholar. Lin was in the good grace of Christianity, and he could never forget his father who had been God’s loyal servant!

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