The Body Will Perish! The Spirit Will Last Forever!

Corinthians 1, Everyday New Testament Add comments
Know ye not that your bodies are members of Christ? …. (v15a) …. is a temple of the Holy Spirit … (v19a)

Saints Forming The Body

1. Members of Christ – The wholeness of the body is to obey the Lord. The wholesome provision of the Lord is to supply the body, such that the body submits to Him. (v15)

2. The Temple of the Holy Spirit – The body is not only the temple, it is also the Holy place and the Most Holy, where the Holy Spirit dwells. It is holy and it is to give glory to God. (v19)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  I Corinthians 6


* An alternate way of perfecting in the Lord – Some people choose to remain single because they dread the failure in marriage. Martin Luther’s view is that it is all up to God’s will and His grace whether we are single or married. He also thought that marriage is a way of perfecting in the pursuit for the Lord’s way, an institute where we improve our character. Through living with one’s spouse, we grow and mature, we learn to be humble, loving and patient.


* Who is like…God? That hath His seat on high, (v5a)…That humbleth Himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth. (Psalm 113:5-6)

Psalm 110-114: God’s glory is manifested in His being seated on high. High as He is, He still cares for the forgotten ones, the weak and the frail.

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