Love Never Ends?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.( v.35)

From fear to joy – when Jesus brings love to the world — :
1. Fear: The earth is filled with unrest; life is filled with fear — (Lk 1:1-38 , 46, also 2:10; 5:10; 8:50; 12:7,32…)
2. Joy : The Spirit inspired the hearts, true love lightened up hopes — (Lk 1:39-80: also 15:25,32; 19:6; 24:52)

* David C. Lam, the entrepreneur, survived in 3 shipwrecks, once even saved after landing on a remote island. After these he understands that lives are in the hands of God, the purpose of life is only to glory God , to bless the world. So he founded HK Baptist Hospital , & later the HK Baptist University. Something interesting – he revisited HK in1992: He felt sick & was sent to the Baptist Hospital without showing his identity, and the receptionist told him the hospital was full & would not accept any register…then the secretary of hospital, passed by, and said, “This is the founder of the hospital !” (God created the world and had given us richly all things to enjoy; but are we as forgetful as this to God?)

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