I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Corinthians 1, Everyday New Testament Add comments
Now ye are the body of Christ, and severally members thereof. (v27)

The Body & Members Of The Body

1. Need for one another – In the church, no one is too important, neither can anyone be neglected, each has his function in accordance to God’s will. (v17)

2. Care for one another – “ But that the members should have the same care one for another” meaning mutual caring is the most desired. This is the brotherly love in the church. (v25)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  I Corinthians 12


* Disabled, weak but still loving – XU Yuqiong/徐玉琼 shepards Hong Kong’s ‘The Ark Community’/方舟之家.  Not only that she cares for people’s soul, she cleans and feeds them like a mother… She helps the physically handicapped because the Lord said to her, “ I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also…”.  Yuqiong’s parents were not in good terms and her mother left. Since a young girl, she contemplated suicide. Fortunately she met the Lord in her Christian primary school. She responded to the Lord’s love and calling to serve Him full time. Her mother cursed and threatened to burn
down the meeting hall and kill the pastor! She patiently prayed for her mother and finally her prayer was answered.


* …my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty; Neither do I exercise myself in great matters, Or in things too wonderful for me. (Psalms 131:1)

Psalms 130-134: Humble, gentle, quietly still and resting in the Lord. This is the gratifying temperament of the people of the heavenly kingdom.

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